Want to have a child? French TV producers want to speak to you

Want to have a child? French TV producers want to speak to you

My name’s Agnès, a French journalist, in charge of a TV documentary, whose topic is: "The will of having a child". In other words: I have to tell the story of different couples or single « future parents », who didn't have a chance to have kids « naturally ».

In France, as you might know, people making rules for all of us ( !) are not the most... how to put that... let's say "open minded" about helping people to have children.

Especially if you are a single woman. Or a single dad. Or a gay couple. So, once I filmed French people trying to have kids through the "French way" (=being mainly medical assistance for hetero couples, and adoption), I decided to widen my search and look towards UK, USA and Canada to try to get in touch with future parents (single or in couple, french speakers, or not) about to give birth in october or november, and whose journey they chose can be:

- Co-parenting
- Sperm insemination for single mum by choice
- Surrogacy

I know it is extremely touchy to ask you to share a period so intimate, so private of your lives. But I really can not avoid those crucial topics (co-parenting, single mum by choice, and surrogacy) in this documentary, and I need you to help me talk about it.

We would film you, future parents, 5 to 8 days, during the main steps of the end of your « journey ». The timeline of the shooting has to fit between this month and the next one.

The documentary will be edited in 6 episodes of 85 minutes each. It will be on air, weekly, first semester of 2013, at 8:50 pm, on the French TV Channel called NRJ12.

It is a channel mainly directed to young people, but that recently decided to extend its viewers range, by broadcasting a collection of documentaries called "Les grandes histoires".

Please, feel free to look at the link Under. It is one of the 6 episodes of another serie of the same collection. I was not the director of it, but the main spirit remains the same. The topic of this one was : « inside different maternity hospitals » : www.youtube.com

We’ll be happy, with my team, to hear your story and answer any of your questions. Please feel free to e-mail or call me anytime soon! (soon being the "key word"!)

Article:by Agnès Buthion TV director

For more information or to speak with Agnes, just contact us at www.prideangel.com

Posted: 10/10/2012 07:03:07


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