If you or your partner have ever had any of these types of treatment at a clinic in the UK, either NHS or private, we would really appreciate you taking time to give us your honest opinions.
Your views are very important and will help us as the national regulator of fertility clinics to understand patients’ experiences of treatment. This will be used to identify areas for improvement to ensure that everyone who uses a fertility clinic receives high quality care.
The survey is being run independently by YouGov. YouGov abides by the Market Research Society Code of Conduct and is registered under the Data Protection Act to hold information securely and confidentially. By answering certain questions in this survey you will be giving YouGov ‘sensitive personal data.’ You do not have to answer these questions, however by doing so you are giving YouGov consent to use these answers for the purpose of this research project. Your answers will be not passed by YouGov to anyone else in a way that could identify you.
Link here https://g4-emea.yougov.com/vgScHt8G9bVj4m
The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete and will close on Sunday 30th September. Please note, if you leave the survey before finishing it, you will not be able to return to the same point in the survey later on.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Clare Ettinghausen
Director of Strategy and Corporate Affairs
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA)