Manchester Pride's Lifestyle Expo

Manchester Pride's Lifestyle Expo

Pride Angel held its first stall at this year’s Lifestyle Expo. It was a massive success with over 200 people registering to the website over the three days. Pride Angel T-shirts and sperm stress ball were given out to those who registered, with the sperm stress balls being a real hit with everyone! The Pride Angel team gave information to people about how to become a sperm donor, egg donor or co-parent. Many people were looking to find sperm donors, who they could actually meet and make personal arrangements for fertility treatment or home insemination. Many men were really interested in helping lesbian couples and even being able to be ‘part-time dads’ or ‘uncle figures’. The team also explained the importance of gaining the correct health screening tests and getting the right legal advice, along with legal donor agreements.



Posted: 04/10/2009 14:22:05


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