Health Screening
Health screening is essential when choosing your prospective sperm donor, egg donor, co-parent or recipient.
We recommend using a HEFA regulated fertility clinic to undertake the insemination, who will also ensure that all the correct infection testing and health checks are completed. If you choose to undertake home insemination it is vital that you seek medical advice regarding all the health checks needed.
When choosing a donor or co-parent it is important to consider the following:
- Family health history
- General fitness & nutrition
- General health screening
General health screening may include:
- Urine testing
- Blood count
- Blood pressure
Sexual health screening (infection testing)
All sperm donors should be tested for sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV, Hepatitis and Chlamydia.
Genetic health screening
All sperm donors should consider screening for the carriage of the Cystic Fibrosis gene. There are many other genetic diseases which may be screened for, dependent upon race.