If you are planning to start a family and having problems getting pregnant, then a visit to the Fertility World Show will provide you with all the help, information and advice you need to get you on the road to having your baby.
The Fertility World Show will provide you with an excellent opportunity to meet and discuss your requirements with a host of hospitals, clinics and consultants specialising in fertility issues.
Erika Tranfield co-founder of Pride Angel will be talking in two seminars about ‘Co-parenting and using a known donor’ at 3.30pm Friday 15th April and ‘Choosing an egg donor and the surrogacy route’ in conjunction with the British Surrogacy Centre at 2.15pm Saturday 16th April.
The following programme of FREE SEMINARS covers a host of fertility issues and topics that will include:
Friday 15th April
10.30am - 11am - Maximising your chances of getting pregnant
11.30am - 12pm - Third Party Reproduction - It Takes A Village
12.30pm - 1pm - Travelling abroad for fertility treatment
1.30pm - 2pm - Supplements to improve sperm motility
3.30pm - 4pm - Co-parenting and using a known donor
4.30pm - 5pm Boosting your Fertility Naturally
Saturday 16th April
10.15am - 10.45am - Getting Fit for Fertility
11.15am - 11.45pm - PCOS and what effect does your lifestyle have on your fertility?
12.15pm - 12.45pm - IVF/ICSI Failures-Role of Egg donation & Surrogacy-India
1.15pm - 1.45pm - Natural Conception
2.15pm - 2.45pm - Choosing an egg donor and Surrogacy Options
3.15pm - 3.45pm - How can you get the best out of the NHS in IVF?
Book your FREE TICKETS now
Look forward to seeing you there!
Pride Angel www.prideangel.com
Dates and opening times
Friday 15th April 2011 - 10am to 5pm
Saturday 16th April 2011 - 10am to 4.30pm
Olympia Exhibition & Conference Centre
Hammersmith Road