Tips for boosting fertility and getting pregnant

Tips for boosting fertility and getting pregnant

Get your dates straight
There is an increasing anxiety about getting pregnant, especially for women over 35, but don’t feel as if you need to go straight for IVF. Work out when you ovulate. Ovulation occurs 14 days before your period, so this is the best time to try for a baby. If you are over 35 try for six months, and if you have no luck speak to your GP about alternatives

Check your BMI
If you are underweight or overweight it can affect your normal hormonal balance and ovulation cycle. If you are overweight eat healthily, but don’t think that you need to cut out certain foods, such as full-fat dairy. Medical researchers discovered that women who included full-fat milk, cheese, ice cream and cream in their diets had higher levels of fertility

Keep it balanced
We need a good alkaline/acid balance in our diet to make sure our body functions are working, so cutting out highly acidic foods and drinks can make you more fertile. Meat and carbonated drinks are highly acidic, while dairy and leafy green vegetables are more alkaline, as is bottled water, which contains magnesium and calcium

Watch your alcohol
Keep your intake within health guidelines as it can rob your body of key nutrients – the NHS recommends no more than two to three units a day for women. If you smoke you should quit. Smoking takes vitamins B and C from your body and suppresses your appetite, as well as causing acidity – all of which will make you less fertile

Top up your vitamins
Supplements can help with your fertility, but you should still have a balanced diet. Iron is particularly useful – check with your GP before taking it. Many women, though not clinically anaemic, will be iron-deficient to some extent

Don’t overexercise
A lot of women think that before they become pregnant they must get really fit and healthy, but preparing for pregnancy isn’t the same as training for a marathon. Keep exercise regular, but gentle. For some women overexercising can stop ovulation. Pilates and yoga are both especially good. Your body just needs to be in a balanced, healthy state

Have more sex
You need to have lots of sex. It will gear up your reproductive hormones and help stabilise your cycle. This doesn't just apply to straight couples - it also applies to lesbian couples, having more sex will help you relax and if using artificial insemination and you are in a couple - then having sex with your partner after insemination will help the sperm on its journey!

Article by Harriet Griffey

Read more tips on boosting fertility and getting pregnant using home insemination at

Posted: 30/01/2011 15:34:26


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