Gay dads spend $100,000 to ensure next child is a girl

Gay dads spend $100,000 to ensure next child is a girl

Gay Dads: Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow, from Essex, England already have five kids via egg donors and surrogates — 4 boys and a girl. But the millionaire dads want more! They have now spent over $100,000 to ensure their next child is a girl.

As reported in Britain’s Daily Mail, the couple flew to California to use IVF treatment to ensure the baby’s sex. (The treatment is not legal in Britain.) The couple used their sperm to fertilize three eggs, all of which are being carried by a surrogate mother. With the expensive and uncommon IVF treatment, the probability is high that one if not all of the triplets will be female.

Barrie and Tony already have two sets of twins, Aspen and Saffron, and Jasper and Dallas, plus a middle son, Orlando. In naming the new triplets, we suggest Liesl, Brigitta and Gretl.

These poppas love their wee ones, don’t you forget it. As Barrie told Britain’s Closer magazine:

“We can’t wait to spoil our new daughters. I want to buy them pink Prada dresses and babygros.
“We will recycle too. We are going to use Saffron’s old wicker crib from Harrods, which cost £5,000, and divide one of the £100,000 diamond necklaces she does not wear any more into individual pieces for the babies.
“And we want to decorate the nursery as a rainforest!”
“Saffron’s clothes come from every designer from Gucci and Karen Millen and she has 500 pairs of shoes.
“We spent £50,000 having her room designed like a swanky London flat with a 39-inch plasma TV and furniture from Harrods. The boys are not as bothered about clothes, but we get them the latest iPads and laptops.”

The couple first hit their beloved media spotlight in 1999, when they became Britain’s first legally recognized same-sex couple. When they had their first set of twins, Aspen and Saffron, both dad’s names we placed on their children’s birth certificates.

Article: 12th June 2012

Read more about gay parenting and surrogacy at

Posted: 16/06/2012 11:16:39


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