Leading Documentary Company Wants to Hear Your Co-parenting Story

Leading Documentary Company Wants to Hear Your Co-parenting Story

Are you a UK-based co-parent, searching for a parenting partnership, or going through a co-parent pregnancy? If so we'd love to hear about your journey to parenthood.

Award-winning television company Windfall Films is researching a documentary about modern families and co-parenting. At this stage, we'd simply like to talk and this won't commit you in any way to taking part. Many new kinds of family are being created now.

If you're interested in reflecting thriving modern families as they actually exist today, please do get in touch. Windfall Films has a trusted reputation and proven track record in making sensitive documentaries for all major broadcasters.

Our programmes have not only won awards but many have been used to help train doctors, social workers, and teachers: www.windfallfilms.com

For a chat, confidence guaranteed, please contact producer Kim Duke: kimduke@windfallfilms.com or 07966 139582 Alternatively contact us at Pride Angel for more information.

Article: 1st May 2013 www.windfallfilms.com

Posted: 01/05/2013 15:45:56


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